
Keep up to date on the latest news from St Ursula’s College Yeppoon

Wednesday, 01. Dec 21

Ada’s set her sight to studying Law

Four days of work experience at Swanwick Murray Roche (SMR) Rockhampton firmly cemented 17-year-old Ada Brand’s interest in a ca...

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Wednesday, 17. Nov 21

Engineering Their Own Paths

For St Ursula’s College Year 11 students, Brodie Craig and Bianca Blom, completing Certificate II in Engineering Pathways is on...

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Friday, 05. Jul 19

Meet Our Alumni – Jordon Irwin

Jordon Irwin, St Ursula’s Alumni From making ice-cream in the Chemistry Lab, to making waves in the Science industry! Colle...

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Thursday, 13. Jun 19

Meet Our Alumni – Dr Patsy Norton

Dr Patsy Norton, St Ursula’s Alumni Patsy’s dedication to education is a golden achievement Patsy Norton’s mother, ...

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Sarah Callinan St Ursulas College Yeppoon Alumni - cropped
Wednesday, 12. Jun 19

Meet Our Alumni – Sarah Callinan

Sarah Callinan, St Ursula’s Alumni For Sarah, the sky isn’t the limit; it’s just the beginning It’s not often you fin...

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